Love is pure, love is painful, love is sweet and love is dreadful.

Love is pure, love is painful, love is sweet and love is dreadful. True love is overwhelming. Our lives depend on it and it often seems like our planet would stop spinning if love didn’t exist. Love is something we strive for and something we mourn the loss of.

A lovesick panda once said that “if you’re never been hurt, you’re either very lucky, or very lonely”.


When Two Lovers Gaze At Each Others’ Eyes, Their Heart Rates Synchronize

Falling In Love Has Neurological Effects Similar To Those Of Cocaine

Cuddling Releases Natural Painkillers

Heartbreak Is Not Just A Metaphor

Romantic Love Eventually Ends…Only To Be Followed By Committed Love

The most common time for breakups is around three to five months.

On an average, women say over 7,000 words per day. Men say only around 2,000.

In online dating, women are most afraid of meeting a serial killer. Men are afraid of meeting someone “fat.”

In a survey conducted by, 43% said fresh breath mattered the most before a date, 17% said stylish clothes, 15% said sexy fragrance, 14% said good skin, and 10% said great hair

Masturbation is one of the best things you can do

Masturbation is one of the best things you can do for your body. If you want to treat your body well, then you want to add masturbation to your list of ways to do just that. If you’re active, eat well, and avoid toxins like smoking and excessive drinking, then why aren’t you masturbating, too? And if you are, why aren’t you masturbating more? It’s not like you can overdo it, well, except for those few times I was late to work, because I couldn’t stop, but I’ve never been one to adhere to the advice of moderation so that’s on me.

The mental and physical health aspects of masturbation aside, it also makes you better at sex. No joke. It’s a woman who masturbates and masturbates often who’s killing in the sack. Here are a few  reasons why.

First, masturbation helps to promote healthy blood flow to the genitals. By improving circulation to this area, you can ensure that your sexual response stays in tip-top shape and that your orgasms remain strong and powerful.

Studies have found that a negative perception of your body can really mess up your libido. Not only can it make it so you don’t enjoy sex as much as you should, but that you don’t even want it all. But in masturbating regularly you become more comfortable with your body.

By enjoying masturbation, you can keep connected to your own sexual desires and fantasies, and learn what excites you.

The best way to strengthen any muscle is to exercise it. When you masturbate, that’s exactly what you’re doing to your pelvic floor muscles.Stronger pelvic floor muscles lead to better sex and more orgasms. Better sex how, you ask? If you’ve ever clenched your partner’s penis with your vaginal muscles during sex, then you know exactly what I’m talking about. It’s like giving a hand job during penetration and feels amazing for both of you.

Regular masturbation can help prevent urinary tract infections, yeast infections, and even cervical infections. What this means is that without these things standing in the way of your sex life, you get to have more sex, which is essentially practice that makes you even better at it. Practice makes perfect, people.

Sex therapists across the globe have found that men who experience premature ejaculation during sexual intercourse can benefit from masturbation about 2 hours before sex. This enables them to have a longer duration of intercourse before another ejaculation comes on.

Taking yourself to palm prom may help you stretch your sack sessions. Train yourself by timing how long it takes you to orgasm. If it usually takes two minutes solo, try for three next time. Or count how many strokes you need to get to your happy place. If you’re spurting after 50, shoot for 60. Practice makes perfect, right?

Masturbation has been used in the management of stress, as it results in release of feel-good hormones, called oxytocin, in the body. It has also been found useful in dealing with depression.

Melissa Jane

Happy Sex

Sex is a taboo subject in many ways, but most of us want it, practicing it and enjoying it.

Friday afternoon we start to cool down for the weekend and we wish each other a Happy Weekend, Have Fun, Enjoy and Have a great Weekend. Have you ever wish anyone Happy sex?

Sex is… perfectly natural. It’s something that’s pleasurable. It’s enjoyable and it enhances a relationship. So why don’t we learn as much as we can about it and become comfortable with ourselves as sexual human beings because we are all sexual?

Sue Johanson

1. Talk about it, even if it feels awkward to bring up.  

If you want to get back to having sex, you’re going to have to bring up the elephant in the room: Tell your partner you’re unhappy with your sex life and want things to change. The important thing is to be real with each other and gauge whether or not your S.O. feels similarly.

Have a direct conversation about what you each are willing to do to rebuild your sex life, You need to both agree that you are unhappy with the quality and frequency and be willing to commit time and energy into rebuilding it.

If one of you is perfectly content with your lackluster sex life, you may need to see a therapist.

2. Flirt shamelessly. 

If at this point, you can count the number of times you’ve held hands in the last year, it’s not a good thing. Once you’ve had the conversation above, flirting with your spouse is the best way to demonstrate that you mean business about having sex again, said Skurtu.

“Talk to your partner about what styles of flirtation you find exciting as well — ‘I like it when you kiss me randomly and then go do something else. It leaves me wanting more!’” Play again -You can send flirty texts, just start to be playful again.

3. Don’t wait for your partner — go solo.

Just because sex with your partner is infrequent doesn’t mean you’re not a sexual person. Masturbating more often is one of the most liberating moves you can make during this sexless period.

If your partner’s libido is gone, you can still have a rich and active sex life! This is a revolutionary way to think about sex in a couples-obsessed culture and it goes way beyond masturbation: You can enjoy all of the sensual pleasures of life, get into the best shape of your life and otherwise enjoy being in your body.

4. Carve out some time for a weekly sex date.

Scheduling time for sex may sound supremely unsexy but hey, desperate times call for desperate measures. When you and your partner have hit your stride again, you’ll think back fondly on your days of Google calendar-suggested sex.

With a sex date on the calendar, you are more likely to plan out what you can do to make it fun, different and exciting.

5. Hug and touch on a regular basis.

Bringing sexy back isn’t going to happen overnight, but it helps to remember that making a connection doesn’t have to be an all or nothing deal. Start with a massage or simply touching and work your way up to sex, said sex educator Chris Maxwell Rose.

Affectionate touch is just as important to the health of a relationship as passionate sex. “Even if you aren’t having sex, try to add more casual affection into your days; long hugs, kissing and cuddling are all wonderful ways to express your love.”

Take baby steps at first, Rose added: “Aim for at least one long hug (at least 20 seconds or longer to trigger the release of oxytocin) or cuddling session a day.”

6. Revisit your sexual highlights as a couple.

You don’t want to dwell on the past, but bring up good memories can be a good start

“Start from the beginning and be specific: ‘You remember when we were on that hike in the woods and we ended up having sex?’” Skurtu said. “Go through old sex stories play by play and talk about how it felt for each of you during those experiences. This skill can help couples begin to feel that old spark together.”

7. If something feels good, go with it. 

You may have had certain preferences back in the day. As you re-approach sex again, give yourself permission to experiment with whatever comes naturally and feels right to you both, Nelson said. It may help you get out of your rut.

“If you ate ravioli every night of the week for year after year, wouldn’t you be totally sick of ravioli?” she said. “Try something new. You aren’t going to have sex if you’ve been together for a long time and sex has become boring or mundane.”

8. Romance each other.

Aside from sex dates, make a plan to go on actual dates.

“Go on a classic long walk on the beach, dress up sexy for each other or light a fire at home,” she said. “The key is to put some effort into the time you spend with your spouse.”

Here are a few super small, simple ideas that can be a lot of fun:

  • Have sex at a different time of day than you usually do.
  • Get down in a new room or on a new surface, like on the stairs, in your kitchen, or on top of the washing machine.
  • Use pillows beneath your butt to create new angles in your favorite sex positions.
  • Try having sex for different lengths of time, like going for quickies or spending an entire afternoon being intimate.
Play with your senses
To engage your sense of touch, try teasing each other with unique textures, like silk ties, fuzzy scarves, or soft feathers. Or try caressing your partner’s body in two different ways, and asking them to pick their favorite. You can also try cutting off your senses, like using a blindfold or trying not to touch each other with your hands.

God luck, and have fun exploring!

Wish You a Happy Sex day!

Melissa Jane

25 Awkward Sex Situations Everyone With A Vagina Can Probably Relate To

1. Crashing teeth together while making out during a moment of ~passion~.
As long as no one’s pearly whites are chipped, who cares? Although it kind of ruins the feeling that you are two carnal geniuses having movie-worthy sex where everything goes perfectly (which just isn’t realistic).

2. Your partner leaning on your hair.
And you try to sit up or switch positions, but your head gets yanked back almost hard enough to slip a disc.

3. Feeling like your thighs are actually on fire.
Maybe you keep bouncing up and down or continuing in whatever sex position is making your quads burn, or maybe you just tap out and are like, “Excuse me, time for you to do the work.”

4. Getting a little too tipsy so you get the spins every time you close your eyes.
Obvious solution: make out with your eyes open and stare at their eyelids like a creep, then realize that also makes you feel a little woozy.

5. Interesting sounds coming from very private places.
Sometimes your body is so focused on going after what feels good that it stops important things like holding in your gas. Unless you’re with someone immature, this is truly not a big deal.

6. Realizing there’s pubic hair in your mouth.
If you frequently head downtown, this less talked about spit or swallow dilemma is unavoidable unless you only have sex with people who are as hairless as baby seals. Great if you catch the hair before it gets to that ticklish point at the back of your throat, so you still have a chance of pulling it out. Otherwise, swallowing it is! Lucky you.

7. Being like 27 percent into it when you’re making out.
You know you could get all hot and bothered, but you’re not quite there yet, and now you’re in your head so you know the chances of actually getting there are basically nil unless you shut off this annoying stream of thought.

8. Feeling self-conscious about some body “flaw.”
It’s normal to feel unsure about your looks sometimes. The real problem is when you actively feel bad about yourself during sex or an insecurity stops you from pursuing the maximum pleasure possible.

9. Worrying that roommates or neighbors can hear you.
Ah, the joys of paper-thin walls. Sure, it can get awkward, but if you can’t have loud sex in the bedroom you or your partner pays for, where can you do it?!

10. Having a different sense of rhythm than the person you’re having sex with.
One friend told me that she’d been “kicked off multiple rhythm-based activities in her life,” from ballet to crew. That difficulty transitioned into sex, and she’s never been able to get into a perfect groove with anyone. The upside? When she does, it’ll be incredible.

11. A limb falling asleep.
But sometimes the position feels so good that you fear making even the smallest adjustment might ruin the magic, so you’re just like ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.

12. Feeling jaw pain because you’ve been performing oral sex for what feels like hours.
And you start worrying that your technique is off, then hope that maybe they’re delaying orgasm to prolong the tingly feelings, then consider just giving up, then power through and feel like you honestly deserve a medal.

13. When you tell the person going down on you to use less pressure, but then they go too soft.
But when you ask for more pressure, they go way too hard. You’re like an adult Goldilocks on a quest for just-right cunnilingus.

14. Your period surprising you during sex.
There’s nothing wrong with having sex on your period—some people love it! It’s more that you can be going about your business then look down, see a bunch of blood, and panic because your orgasm-addled brain immediately assumes you’re dying before coming to the more likely conclusion.

15. Finishing up, looking in the mirror, and being greeted with raccoon eyes and intense bedhead.
It can feel embarrassing, but this is amazing and should make you feel like even more of a sex goddess. You were just putting it down without worrying about what you looked like and having a delightful time, which is the sexiest thing of all.

16. Getting a little too ambitious in terms of flexibility.
Don’t feel the need to make it work even though you suspect you’ve sprained your groin. In sex, there are take backs. If a flexible sex position goes too far, you can absolutely be like, “Woah, wait, my legs are not naturally meant to spread that far.”

17. Not being able to keep your head in the game.
A friend told me that during one sex session, she was completely fascinated by a crack in the ceiling. Maybe for you it’s a big project at work or you just remembered you left your flatiron on. Either way, a wandering mind isn’t usually conducive to having the kind of orgasm that makes you forget what year it is.

18. Being unsure about whether you’re doing Kegels correctly.
You clench and expect to get an awe-inspired response but instead receive the same level of enthusiasm as before. Which is great, but the lack of a mind-blown reaction makes you resolve to Kegel all day every day.

19. Encountering people who act like STIs don’t exist.
Oh, they don’t want to use condoms or react like you’re the epitome of rude for asking when they last got tested? There’s the door. Bye.

20. Two words: cervix pain.
There’s deep penetration, then there’s deep penetration that makes you feel like a penis or sex toy is becoming intimately acquainted with various inner organs.

21. Being clueless about how to respond to a sext.
So much fun when they catch you off guard at your desk or when you’re home wearing your favorite onesie and feeling the opposite of sexy! Seriously, it is kind of fun. “This is what I’m wearing/thinking/doing” white lies during sexting don’t really count.)

22. Wanting someone to leave the second it’s over.
Especially problematic when they have all these intense heart feelings, and you’re only in it for the physical part.

23. Or wishing they’d stay instead of beating a hasty retreat.
When you’re the one who’s more emotionally invested, it’s hard to break it off even though you know it’s probably for the best.

24. Trying a sexual experiment that’s a total dud at best, painful at worst.
One friend’s boyfriend was chopping jalapeños for dinner, which she only realized later when she felt peculiar warming sensation on her vagina during sex. The warming escalated to burning, and you can imagine how the rest of the story went. But if you want details, the night ended with her submerging her nether regions in milk, which didn’t do much to relieve the pain.

25. Wishing the sex would have lasted a little longer.
So you want round two, which is awesome if the person you’re with is up for it! But if not, this situation is the epitome of unsatisfying.


25 Awkward Sex Situations Everyone With A Vagina Can Probably Relate To